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Bakersfield Body Procedures

Beauty ideals differ from woman to woman and within ethnic groups. Dr. Younai has an artistic eye, high level surgical skills, and the ability to achieve results for each individual patient. He can sculpt and reshape your body to achieve the unique improvements that you, as an individual, want.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck in Bakersfield can reduce a protruding tummy on men or women, creating a trimmer, fitter, more appealing body contour. The procedure removes excess skin, fat, and tissue, and tightens the underlying muscles. A tummy tuck can create a more youthful, healthy, trim appearance, with no more sagging or protruding tummy, love handles, or loose skin.

A tummy tuck is not weight-loss surgery. The purpose is to address overhang from stretched out, excess skin and remove excess fat in specific areas. Sagging, loose skin, loose abdominal muscles, and excess fat can be the result of pregnancy, aging, or dramatic weight loss. During your tummy tuck in Bakersfield, Dr. Younai can lift and tighten the abdomen to restore a youthful, trim shape and appearance.

Tummy Tuck or Liposuction?

A personal evaluation of your unique condition will determine whether a tummy tuck or liposuction, or both treatments will be appropriate. For patients who have achieved a dramatic loss of weight, a tummy tuck is often necessary to resolve excess skin and tissue. The hanging skin and tissue are removed so the abdomen is flat and tight. Some patients may need a combination of surgery and liposuction to achieve a firm, trim abdominal area.

Our liposuction in Bakersfield may be advised for patients with minimal tummy fat and healthy, flexible skin that can naturally retract after the procedure. Older patients with less flexible skin, or people who have stretchmarks or loose and hanging skin and tissue typically will need a tummy tuck to resolve the problem.

Tummy Tuck for Mommies

After pregnancy and childbirth, many women experience a loosening or split of the abdominal wall, leaving a droopy, split, or bulging belly. A tummy tuck can be performed to repair and tighten the muscle structure to restore your body to its pre-baby look and tightness.

Bakersfield Tummy Tuck Techniques

The body procedures offered by Dr. Younai encompass a variety of tummy tuck techniques, often combined with liposuction to achieve the optimum enhancement. The various types of tummy tuck procedures include:


Good muscle tone makes the mini tummy tuck an excellent choice for removing the excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen, leaving the underlying muscles intact. In some cases, this procedure is all that is needed to restore a woman’s shape after pregnancy. The incision runs lengthwise above the pubic bone, and the scar is easily concealed by undergarments.

Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover typically involves several surgical procedures. Women who want to restore a pre-pregnancy shape may require a breast augmentation in Bakersfield, a tummy tuck, breast lift, or other body sculpting technique, either surgical or non-surgical. The mommy makeover is a customized procedure. Depending on a woman’s muscle tone, a mini or standard tummy tuck may be performed, a breast lift or breast augmentation, liposuction, and for some, a labiaplasty to restore the vaginal area.

High Tension

Plus-size patients may benefit from lifting the belly and buttocks by removing excess skin and tightening the muscles in a full body lift procedure, utilizing liposuction to remove fat from specific areas to accentuate the waist for an hourglass look.

Standard aka Full Tummy Tuck

The standard tummy tuck is a hip-to-hip incision below the belly button to remove excess, flabby skin, repair the abdominal wall, and tighten and lift. Dr. Younai can perform tummy tuck revision surgery for patients who have had a procedure in the past with unsatisfactory results.

Full Body Lift

Some patients may require a full body lift to restore a firm, trim look. This procedure addresses the entire body, including upper arms, thighs, love handles, and abdomen. The results are a dramatic improvement in body contour.

Brazilian Butt Lift

If you were born with flat buttocks, a small rear-end, or want to create a rounder, more plump behind, a Brazilian butt lift can produce a dramatic improvement. This procedure involves harvesting fat from another area of the body (whether thighs, love handles, or tummy), purifying it, and injecting into the buttocks to create a rounder, fuller behind, and appealing hourglass figure.

Why Dr. Younai in Bakersfield?

Dr. Younai is a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon who is committed to patient health and safety, and to producing beautiful outcomes. A combination of procedures, such as tummy tuck and liposuction in Bakersfield, demand top quality surgical skill and an artistic eye for harmony and balance to produce aesthetic results. Dr. Younai is a perfectionist and his attention to detail sets him apart.