Meet Dr. Sean Younai

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Surgical skills and impeccable credentials. A honed artistic sense. Feeling of trust and compatibility. These are all important factors in choosing your cosmetic surgeon.

“It is a privilege to be a doctor.”

-Dr. Sean Younai

Yet, there are about 11,000 plastic surgeons worldwide. How do you choose the one who is right for you? Finding the ideal plastic surgeon – the one who delivers the safest, most comfortable and best results – is the most important step you will take in achieving your cosmetic surgery goals.

After receiving my Medical Degree from UCLA, I trained extensively in General Surgery, Breast Reconstruction, Microsurgery, and Hand Surgery at prestigious institutions, including the University of Pittsburgh, UC San Francisco, and University of Southern California. The relief and happiness of the men and women who once again felt whole and functional was a joy beyond words for me. The pleasure of seeing those results motivated me to choose plastic surgery as a specialty. To further hone my skills, I trained at the Lahey-Hitchcock Clinic in Boston, an affiliate of the Harvard Plastic Surgery Program. Today, I enjoy the happiness of patients on a regular basis as they take joy in the results of a sometimes long-awaited procedure – whether a Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, Eyelid Surgery, Facelift or the rejuvenating results of Dermal Fillers such as BOTOX® or Restylane.

Additionally, I underwent the most rigorous training available to become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. The importance of choosing a “board-certified” plastic surgeon cannot be overstated. Many surgeons – even those who are not specialists – represent themselves as “cosmetic surgeons.” Yet, they may have taken merely a weekend course in a procedure, rather than enduring the hour upon hour of challenges that are required to become board-certified. In some states, even dentists are lobbying for permission to perform plastic surgery.

You have one life, and one body. Do not select a cosmetic surgeon who will put you at risk of a poorly performed surgery – the results of which will not be easily reversed.

At my first consultation with you, my ears will be as important as my eyes are in helping you to achieve the results that you want. I will listen to you, and to how you describe your particular notion of beauty and attractiveness. I will never rush you through a consultation. I will discuss with great thoroughness the changes that will help you to feel better about yourself. Sometimes these changes will be very subtle, yet will empower you to continue your life with greater self esteem.

I look forward to working with you so that you have a safe, comfortable and successful cosmetic surgery experience.



Diplomat of the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Inc.
Diplomat of the National Board of Medical Examiners.
California Board of Medical Quality Assurance.
Advance Cardiac Life Support Provider; American Heart Association.


1997   Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship; Lahey-Hitchcock Clinic, MA.
1995   Microsurgery & Hand Surgery Fellowship; Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, P.A.
1994   Plastic Surgery Research Fellowship; Univ. of Southern California, LA, CA.
1993   General Surgery Residency; Univ. of California-SF, East Bay, CA.
1989   MD; UCLA School of Medicine, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA.
1985   BS; Biochemistry, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA.


American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
American Society of Laser Medicine & Surgery.
The Wound Healing Society.
American College of Surgeons, Fellow.
American Medical Association.


Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center, Tarzana, CA.
Encino Hospital, Encino, CA.


1995   Mercy Hospital Foundation Research Grant.
1994   Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation Research Grant.
1994   Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Research Grant.
1984   President’s Undergraduate Research Grant.
1984   UCLA Division of Honors Research Grant.


1997   American Society of Aesthetic Surgery Presentation Award.
1995   Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation Scholarship Essay Contest Award.
1995   Mercy Hospital Foundation Research Day Award.
1994   Am. College of Surgeons Presentation Award at the Annual Residents’ Day Meeting.
1987   Western Medical Student Research forum Award.
1986   National Research Fellowship Award.
1984   Art Night Exhibition Award at UCLA.
1983   Cover Design Award for the 2nd ISDC Immunology Congress.
1981   Phi Eta Sigma (Undergraduate Freshman Honors society).


1995 to 1997   Co-investigator: Skin tightening effects of the Ultrapulse CO2 Laser.
Preceptor: Brooke R. Seckel, MD, Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Lahey Clinic Med. Center.

1993 to 1996   Principal Investigator: Cellular biology of wound healing- growth factors.
Preceptor: J. Reinisch, M.D; T.L. Tuan, Ph.D., M. Nimni, Ph.D., L. Nichter, M.D.,
Division of Plastic Surgery and Surgical Research, Laboratory of Connective Tissue Biochemistry, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Univ. of Southern California.

1987 to 1990   Principal Investigator: Timing of surgical intervention in gallstone pancreatitis.
Preceptor: Tamon Nambison, M.D., Department of Surgery, University of California, Davis- East Bay.

1987 to 1987   Assistant Investigator: Study of alteration and amplification of protooncogenes in human soft tissue sarcoma and ovarian tumors.
Preceptor: Dennis J. Slamon, M.D., Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine, UCLA.

1986 to 1986   Principal Investigator: Identification and partial characterization of transitional cell carcinoma’s metastatic associated antigens, in the murine model.
Preceptor: John L. Fahey, Ph.D., Department of Immunology and Microbiology, School of Medicine, UCLA.

1982 to 1986   Principal Investigator: Isolation, purification, and characterization of several animal Lectins, and the study of their role against bacterial infection in Lumbricus terrestris.
Preceptor: Edwin L. Cooper, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine, UCLA.


Younai S., Seckel B.R., Surgical Anatomy of the Facial Nerve. In Weinzweig J. (ed): Plastic Surgery Secrets. Philadelphia, Hanley & Belfus, 1998.

Seckel B.R., Younai S., K.K. Wang. Skin Tightening Effects of the Ultrapulse CO2 Laser. Plast. Reconstr. Surg, 1998; 102:3, 872-77.

Younai S., Venter G., Vu S., Nichter L.S., Nimni M., Tuan T-L. Role of growth factors in scar contraction: An in vitro analysis. Ann. Plast. Surg. 1996; 36:5, 495-501.

Tuan T-L., Song A., Chang S., Younai S., Nimni M. In Vitro Fibroplasia: Matrix contraction, cell growth and collagen production of fibroblasts cultured in fibrin gels. Exp. Cell Res. 1996; 223: 127-134.

Patel R., Younai S., Narayanan K., Wahba H., Stofman G. Necrotizing Streptococcal Fascitits of the Hand: Case Report. Clin. Infect. Dis. 1996; 22:586-7.

Younai S., Venter G., Vu S., Nimni M., Tuan T-L. Why different scars contract differently. [Abstract] Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, Boston, MA, Nov. 2, 1995.

Younai S., Nichter L.S., Wellisz T., Reinisch J., Nimni M., Tuan T-L. Modulation of collagen synthesis by transforming growth factor-? in keloid and hypertrophic scar fibroblasts. Year Book of Plast. Recons. Aesth. Surg., 1996; 384-85.

Younai S., Stofman G., Nimni M., Tuan T-L. Role of growth factors in the contraction of burn scar fibroblasts. [Abstract] Southwestern Pennsylvania chapter, American College of Surgeon Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 9, 1994.

Younai S., Nimni M., Tuan T-L, Isolation and localization of autocrine TGF- by keloid and hypertrophic scar fibroblasts. J. Lab Invest. 1996, (Submitted).

Younai S., Nichter L.S., Wellisz T., Reinisch J., Nimni M., Tuan T-L. Modulation of collagen synthesis by transforming growth factor-? in keloid and hypertrophic scar fibroblasts. Ann Plast Surg. 1994, 33:148-154.

Younai S., Tuan T-L, Sun D., Nichter L.S., Nimni M., Keloid fibroblasts exhibit an altered interaction with fibrin clot. [Abstract] Southern California Chapter, American College of Surgeons meeting, Jan. 23 1994.

Younai S., Wellisz T., Reinisch J., Nimni M., Tuan T-L. How keloids and hypertrophic scars differ at the molecular level? [Abstract] California Society of Plastic Surgeons Inc., Feb. 1994.

Younai S., Downey S., Wellisz T., Reinisch J., Nimni M., Tuan T-L. Differential response to TGF- in collagen synthesis by keloid and hypertrophic scar fibroblasts. [Abstract], 4th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Wound Healing Society, San Francisco, CA, May 18-20, 1994.

Younai S., Mirhashemi R., Fahey J.L., Liu B.C.S., Detection of cross-reacting metastases associated antigens in Ha-ras transfected murine cells and human tumor. Clinical Research. 1986, 35:169.

Stein E.A., Younai S., Cooper E.L., Hemagglutinins and bacterial agglutinins of earthworms.

Developmental and Comparative Immunology: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research. (E.L. Cooper, C. Langlet, and J. Bierne, Eds.), Alan Liss, New York, 1986, 233:79-89.

Stein E.A., Younai S., Cooper E.L., Bacterial agglutinins of the earthworm. 3rd International Congress of Developmental and Comparative Immunology. (E.L. Cooper, C. Langlet, and J. Bierne, Eds.), Alan Liss, New York, 1986, 10:133.

Younai S., Stein E.A., Cooper E.L. Bacterial agglutinins by earthworm Lectins. UCLA Under-graduate Scientific Journal. 1985, 1:41-56.
Stein E.A., Younai S., Cooper E.L., Bacterial agglutination by earthworm coelomic fluid. Fed. Proc. 1985, 44:1095.