Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Gynecomastia is a condition that results in enlarged breast tissue in men, creating an overly feminine appearance. The exact cause is unknown, but it may develop due to abnormal hormone levels, congenital factors, or certain medications. Although it is an embarrassing condition for many men, gynecomastia surgery through minimally invasive excision of glandular tissue and/or liposuction of unwanted fat can provide incredible, permanent results.
The condition does not cause any serious health problems, but it can create a great deal of emotional distress, causing many men to feel self-conscious about their looks. Fortunately, Dr. Sean Younai has successfully treated the condition in countless patients, promoting a more masculine physique that supports a renewed sense of self-confidence.
Before and After Photos
To determine if this surgery is right for you, please contact one of Dr. Younai’s offices in Beverly Hills or West Hollywood at (310) 275-1971 or submit your request for a consultation with his contact form. Dr. Younai and his surgical team are dedicated to providing the highest quality care and service while utilizing the latest advancements in gynecomastia procedures. His expertise and experience in performing male breast reduction procedures ensure that you get the most natural-looking results possible with little to no scarring.
The Cause of Gynecomastia

Men with gynecomastia have significantly more fibrous breast tissue, fat, and glandular ducts. Although these men don’t have lobules which are female breast structures for milk production, an excess of these other tissues can give their chest a female appearance. There is no one cause of male breast enlargement, but there are many contributing factors.
For men, lower testosterone levels and an abundance of estrogen greatly increase the risk of developing gynecomastia. When puberty begins, estrogen is present at relatively high levels, but the onset of testosterone counteracts it and typically resolves mild cases of the condition. Studies reveal that after age 17, only about 10% of boys will have minor or significant breast enlargement as a result of imbalanced hormones. (1)
Although it’s not considered a root cause, obesity is strongly correlated with breast growth, and high blood sugar levels affect roughly 30% of all men with gynecomastia. There is research to support that many men with gynecomastia have a family history of diabetes. (2) Even with this knowledge, it is important to have your condition properly assessed and diagnosed by a doctor. It is often confused with pseudogynecomastia, a similar-looking issue characterized by a buildup of only fatty tissue just under the nipples.
Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

While some cases of male breast growth can be greatly reduced with proper diet and exercise, only surgery will correct moderate and severe cases and provide long-lasting results. If you have been waiting to look and feel your best, consider the benefits of Dr. Younai’s gynecomastia solutions:
- The resulting scars are half an inch or less and are hidden in the outer edge of each areola or within the armpits.
- You will feel much more confident in intimate moments.
- You will be much more comfortable in clothing and have an improved sense of body image overall.
- The surgery can reduce the size of your areolas.
- It can serve to highlight the definition of your pectoral muscles.
- With healthy weight maintenance, the results will last a lifetime.
- All gynecomastia surgeries are outpatient procedures, so you will get to go home the same day.
Once you heal from surgery, you should take extra steps to ensure that your hormone levels remain in check; Dr. Younai recommends regular blood tests to monitor this aspect of your health.

As with all of his cosmetic procedures, Dr. Younai determines candidacy for gynecomastia surgery on an individual basis, following a full physical examination and a thorough discussion of your cosmetic needs, goals, and desires.
An ideal candidate is generally a healthy, non-smoking man who is bothered and embarrassed by enlarged breasts. A good candidate is also at a normal body weight and has suffered from gynecomastia for at least twelve months. In addition, you may be considered for male breast reduction surgery if:
- You experience physical discomfort from enlarged male breasts.
- You suffer emotional distress, anxiety, and a loss of confidence due to your condition.
- Your breasts prevent you from enjoying life, wearing certain clothes, and taking off your shirt.
- Your breast development has stabilized.
- Your enlarged breasts are not responsive to diet and exercise.
Personal Consultation
When you schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Younai, you can expect high-quality care and expertise that will allow you to make an informed decision for your health. As a board-certified surgeon with over 25 years of experience, Dr. Younai understands the intricacies of creating amazing results that are tailored to your unique body shape. During your appointment, you will get the chance to ask any and all questions about your condition, preparation steps, and the recovery process.
To get started today, call the office closest to you in West Hollywood or Beverly Hills at (310) 275-1971 or reach out online, and a member of Dr. Younai’s team will happily assist in scheduling your consultation.
Preparation Steps
Dr. Younai requires all of his patients undergoing surgery to stop taking anticoagulant medications and supplements roughly 2 weeks before their appointment. At around 1 to 2 weeks beforehand, he will order blood tests to ensure you are in good health and without underlying conditions that can put you at risk for complications. If you smoke regularly, you should quit for at least 1 month before and a few weeks after your surgery to allow your body to heal without the adverse effects of nicotine on your blood circulation. Finally, you should remember to pick up doctor-approved over-the-counter medications and prescriptions that will help you recover comfortably.
Gynecomastia Surgery Options
Once Dr. Younai closely evaluates your breast tissue and its skin elasticity, he will make a decision regarding which procedure technique to use: liposuction, the “hidden scar” technique, or a combination of both. No one procedure is better than the other; they are designed to resolve varying levels of gynecomastia.
Male breasts that have mostly fat buildup and quality skin elasticity may benefit from liposuction. If Dr. Younai only utilizes this method, he will either administer local anesthesia with sedation or have his anesthesiologist administer general anesthesia, depending on your preferences and needs. After this step, he will inject a fluid called tumescent solution into the subcutaneous layer of your chest. This solution will further numb the treatment area, prepare the fat for removal, and constrict blood flow to the area to prevent bleeding. Next, he will make small incisions of less than an inch within both armpits. Through these incisions, he will use a long, thin suction device called a cannula to remove pockets of fat in the chest. Once he is done strategically sculpting, he will close the incisions with surgical tape. He will prescribe a compression garment for you to wear that will ease swelling and promote smooth contours as you heal.
Men with more glandular and fibrous tissue in their chest will benefit much more from Dr. Younai’s “hidden scar” technique. He can apply this method with liposuction if he thinks it will be advantageous to your aesthetic outcome. First, his anesthesiologist will give you general anesthesia. If liposuction is required, Dr. Younai will perform that first. To begin the excision portion of the procedure, he will make a half-inch incision adjacent to each of your aerolas. Through these tiny incisions, he will gently tease out excess breast tissue. He will remove a small portion of skin at the site of these incisions for those who may have skin laxity from weight loss. Dr. Younai may also reduce the size of the areolas if needed. The minor resulting scars will fade significantly and blend seamlessly into the outline of the areolas.
Recovery and Results
For the first few days after your male breast reduction, you can expect bruising, swelling, pain, and tenderness in the area, though it should be manageable with your prescribed medications and daily wear of your compression garment. These side effects will be the most severe in the first two days after your procedure, and will gradually subside and improve over time. In most cases, you will feel well enough to return to work within 1 week, as long as your job is not physically demanding. In terms of activity, you should take it easy as you heal from your procedure. For the first 1 to 2 weeks, refrain from impact cardio and any strenuous activity that involves the chest and arms. You will also need to avoid weight-lifting until at least 1 month after your procedure. Dr. Younai will offer personalized guidance on when you can resume all of your regular activities during your post-operative appointments. After the first month, the swelling will have mostly subsided, and you will get to enjoy the look and feel of your flatter, more attractive chest.
Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery in West Hollywood
The cost of your gynecomastia surgery will depend mostly on the surgical techniques, anesthesia costs, medication, and follow-up appointments. At the time of your initial consultation, Dr. Younai will provide you with a cost estimate that takes these factors into account. For those interested in making affordable payments to cover the cost of their procedure, Dr. Younai offers CareCredit, a highly reputable finance company. To get your financial questions answered or to schedule an appointment, dial (310) 275-1971 or use our online form to reach his locations in West Hollywood or Beverly Hills, and begin your journey towards renewed body confidence today.
- Cayci C, Simmons P, Petty P, Lemaine V. Gynecomastia in Adolescent Males. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2013;27(01):056-061. doi:
- Kulshreshtha B, Arpita A, Rajesh P, et al. Adolescent gynecomastia is associated with a high incidence of obesity, dysglycemia, and family background of diabetes mellitus. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2017;21(1):160. doi: