Liposuction: Flanks
Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA
This area is more troublesome for men generally, but many women experience excess fat in this area following pregnancy. Diet and exercise are not effective in spot reducing this area but this area responds very well to flank liposuction.
Where Exactly Are The Flanks?
This area blends naturally into the back and abdomen and it requires a top liposuction specialist to artfully remove the excess fat in the flanks, blending the areas so there is no abrupt dip or change between the hips, back and abdomen. This is important for women as the waist naturally blends into the hips and if done incorrectly, the graceful transition is disrupted.
The goal for any liposuction procedure is to remove excess fat, leaving a sculpted beautiful body that can be enjoyed for many years.
Combination Treatment Areas
During the initial meeting with prospective patients, Dr. Younai asks many questions so he knows what the person is hoping to achieve through liposuction, whether flanks or love handles liposuction. If there are excess deposits of fat in the back or in the upper abdomen he can usually address these during one liposuction session.
These are additional procedures and require more time in surgery, so not all patients would be good candidates for multiple region liposuction. The decision will depend on the general health of the patient and the location and amount of excess fat to be removed.
Dr. Younai is mindful of the financial commitment that patients make to achieve an improvement in their appearance, and will work with them to achieve their goals as efficiently as possible without compromising patient safety and ultimate results.
Dr. Younai prefers the tumescent liposuction method as opposed to UAL, or ultrasonic assisted liposuction or laser liposuction, also called Smart Lipo. Other liposuction methods all carry unnecessary risks of nerve damage and permanent tissue damage. In fact, UAL has never been approved for use in liposuction by the FDA.
Tumescent liposuction delivers anesthetic solution to the subcutaneous fat, which allows the procedure to be done under a local anesthetic instead of general. This removes one of the risks of surgery.
This solution contains an agent which virtually eliminates blood loss during the procedure, thus eliminating another risk. This solution causes the area to swell which then makes it much easier to sculpt the area being treated as the mass is not constantly moving. Dr. Younai is not only a highly skilled surgeon, but is also a consummate artist.
Dr. Younai is satisfied only when he feels he has reached perfection for each patient and his work reflects this high standard, with among the most aesthetic results in flanks liposuction Los Angeles and Beverly Hills have to offer.
See The Difference
Dr. Younai has thousands of before and after photos of patients who have undergone liposuction in all areas of the body. He is happy to share these with prospective patients to show them the results, which are among the best results in love handles liposuction Beverly Hills and Los Angeles have available. He delights in seeing his patients reach their goals and invites anyone curious about liposuction to book an initial consultation with him.
Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Younai
Call us at 818.386.1222, or schedule an appointment online.