Bra Fat Liposuction 

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Bra fat liposuction, or back fat liposuction, is a way to rid yourself of bulges of fat near the armpits and upper back. Back fat is not only seen as unattractive, but it can also interfere with the way that undergarments and other tops fit. Getting rid of the unwanted fat in this area will reveal the sexy contour you’ve always wanted and help you slip into clothing options you never thought possible before. 

Liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure that removes fat cells via suction. It gives patients a chance to safely remove unflattering pockets and bulges without the need for extensive surgery. The technology used today only requires the tiniest incisions and carries a much lower risk of leaving lasting scars. With the development of the tumescent technique in the 1980s, liposuction has been proven safe and effective, even without the use of general anesthesia. (1) 

With almost three decades of experience in plastic surgery, Dr. Sean Younai has had time to perfect the art of liposuction. Though he is one of the most well-known board-certified plastic surgeons in Los Angeles, his initial consultation with each patient lasts over an hour. He prioritizes understanding each patient’s desire to feel good about their body. Dr. Younai has locations in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood that you can reach by calling (310) 275-1971. 

About Bra Fat 

While bra fat, or upper back fat, can accumulate due to a lack of exercise or poor nutrition, there are a few other causes. Even if you are not overweight, “back rolls” may develop as a result of genetics that determine where you develop fat. The stage of life you’re at also matters- women in menopause or perimenopause are at a higher risk of gaining fat overall. During this time in a woman’s life, lower levels of estrogen contribute to less muscle mass and lead to the development of more fat deposits. 

If you find your back fat stubbornly stays put even after changing your diet and exercise routine, upper back fat liposuction may be the answer you’re looking for. 

About Liposuction

Research for liposuction began in the 1980s with Dr. Yves-Gerard Illouz. His findings were precursors to the tumescent fluid method used nowadays. In his studies, he found that using saline injections made fat extraction much easier. The saline made the fat firm so that it could be more accurately removed from surrounding tissues. 

Dr. Jeffrey Klein was the first surgeon to implement tumescent fluid in 1987, which contains both lidocaine and epinephrine. After a local anesthetic is injected into the targeted back areas, this fluid is injected into the fat layer right under the skin. The lidocaine works to provide further numbness, while epinephrine shrinks all blood vessels so that there is very little blood loss. Since only a small area of back fat is removed, general anesthesia is usually not required. His newly founded technology made the procedure even more effective than saline liposuction. Newer, more advanced forms of liposuction like SmartLipo still utilize tumescent fluid while preventing even less blood loss than standard liposuction. (2)

Benefits of Bra Fat Liposuction

With bra fat liposuction, you can look and feel confident in more clothing that reveals your upper back. You will be able to sport all types of dresses, bathing suits, and tank tops knowing that you’ll look slender and toned from the back. You’ll be able to avoid the dreaded “bra bulge” that can cause discomfort, and make you look more overweight than you are. Shopping for supportive bras will become a breeze, and you may be able to reduce sweat and chaffing in this region as well. Finally, bra fat liposuction can even revolutionize your posture, so you’ll look as confident as you feel!

Candidates for Bra Fat Liposuction

The best candidates for this procedure are people in good health and at a stable weight who are not breastfeeding or planning to get pregnant. Both breastfeeding and pregnancy are times when weight fluctuates, and this may interfere with the results of liposuction. You should have fat buildup that shows little change, even with a proper diet or regular exercise. If your vision for your ideal body involves a leaner, better-contoured bra line, this type of liposuction could be exactly what you need. 

Personal Consultation 

As a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, Dr. Younai often performs procedures on Hollywood A-listers and those who work in the media spotlight. There truly is no project too challenging for Dr. Younai. He prides himself in the individualized and thorough care that he provides for each of his patients. 

Whether you prefer a virtual consultation or a phone call to (310) 275-1971, our centers are ready to answer your questions and concerns. During a consultation, Dr. Younai will examine your physical health, review your medications, and talk with you about aesthetic goals. He will also take a look at your skin laxity to see if you would qualify as a good fit for liposuction. Finally, a member of our staff can schedule an appointment at a convenient date for you. 


Properly preparing for a liposuction procedure contributes to the quality of your final results. In most cases, you will need to do a blood test to ensure that there are no major issues with your health. Dr. Younai will review your medications and make any necessary adjustments. This is particularly important if you are taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications or blood-thinning dietary supplements, which should be discontinued. Anti-inflammatories, blood thinners, and certain herbal supplements may thin the blood and cause unwanted bleeding during the procedure. 

It is also highly recommended that you stop smoking for at least a few weeks before your surgery date. This is because the chemical in cigarettes can impede necessary healing processes during your recovery period. 

Finally, on your surgery date, come in wearing comfortable clothes that are easy to change out of- you will likely be sore for a few days after the anesthesia wears off. You will be able to go home on the same day of the procedure. However, you must make the necessary arrangements for someone to drive you home. 


Bra fat liposuction follows the same standards as other liposuction procedures that target specific areas. Dr. Younai uses the tumescent technique to obtain the best results.

As the gold standard in liposuction, this technique utilizes tumescent fluid that contains both lidocaine and epinephrine. After a local anesthetic is injected into the targeted back areas, this fluid is injected into the fat layer right under the skin. The lidocaine works to provide further numbness, while epinephrine shrinks all blood vessels so that there is very little blood loss. Since only a small area of back fat is removed, general anesthesia is usually not required

Dr. Younai will then be able to use a suction device called a cannula, which is less than ⅛ of an inch. Incisions are extremely small, so sutures are not needed post-surgery. Instead, they will be protected with gauze and sealed with surgical tape. 


Recovery for bra fat liposuction is fairly straightforward. Just like any other liposuction procedure, you’ll need to keep your incision sites clean, take at least one week off from work, and wear your compression garment as directed for at least two weeks. The compression garment will ensure that the contours of your upper back remain firm and heal without excessive swelling. 

During the first few days, you may experience a moderate amount of pain in the treatment area, but it can be managed with medications approved or prescribed by Dr. Younai. During this time, you’ll want to limit physical activity as much as possible. 

After about one week, the pain will have subsided or significantly reduced. During this time, you will consult Dr. Younai to see when you can return to work. If you have an office job, you’ll be able to return sooner. But with more physically demanding jobs, we recommend waiting at least two weeks after your procedure. It will all depend on the type of work you do. After around one month, you can resume your normal exercise routine. 

What do I need to do to recover faster?

  • Keep the area clean and bandaged. Gently cleanse your incision sites with soap and water during showers. Apply new bandages every day to protect them from outside bacteria. 
  • Eat well. A diet high in amino acids, zinc, iron, and Vitamin A, B,C, and D has been shown to promote wound healing. (3) 
  • Rest well. Limiting your movement will keep your incision sites from being exposed to friction. Friction can agitate them and cause lasting scars or bleeding. 
  • Get walking. When you feel a little more energized, walking will promote blood flow so that your body can heal faster. Stick to very light exercise until Dr. Younai says it’s ok to do strenuous activities.


After roughly six weeks, the final results will begin to show. It may take up to 3 months for the swelling to completely subside, so it will likely be a gradual change into your new body. The beautiful, sculpted silhouette of your back can finally be on display for all to see. You will no longer have to worry about changing your outfits to hide your body away. You will be able to go through the world with your slim shoulders confidently pulled back and your head held high!

Cost of Bra Fat Liposuction in Beverly Hills

Our team in the Beverly Hills and West Hollywood locations want to provide you with the best quality service and procedure possible. Dr. Younai takes great care in making sure that his patients are pleased with their results. Depending on how much fat removal is needed for your aesthetic goals, the price may vary. Call (310) 275-1971, schedule a virtual consultation, or simply reach out with a quick message to find out if bra fat liposuction is right for you. 


Does bra fat liposuction require general anesthesia? 

Bra fat liposuction doesn’t require general anesthesia; only local anesthesia is used. However, general anesthesia is an option. 

How long does the bra fat liposuction procedure take? 

Depending on how much fat is removed, it will take 1-2 hours. 

Is bra fat liposuction a weight loss treatment?

All types of liposuction are considered body sculpting procedures, not weight loss procedures. It is used to slim down areas of bulging fat, but it is not a replacement for weight loss surgery. 


  1. Halk AB, Habbema L, Genders RE, Hanke CW. Safety Studies in the Field of Liposuction: A Systematic Review. Dermatol Surg. 2019; 45(2):171-182. doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000001707     
  2. Abdelall MM, Aboelatta YA. Comparison of Blood Loss in Laser Lipolysis vs Traditional Liposuction. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Aug 2014; 34(6): 907-912.  
  3. Barchitta M, Maugeri A, Favara G, et al. Nutrition and Wound Healing: An Overview Focusing on the Beneficial Effects of Curcumin. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(5):1119. Published 2019 Mar 5. doi:10.3390/ijms20051119