Breast Augmentation Case #6438
These are before and after Breast Augmentation Surgery pictures of a 23 years old Caucasian woman from Los Angeles, California, who had Tubular breasts. She felt very uncomfortable with having very large areola and small breasts. Not knowing what Tubular breast deformity was, and how common it was, she believed that her breast had not fully developed. She was tired of shopping for push-up bars and wanted to have natural looking breast with a full curvy cleavage without having wearing bra. She wanted to increase her breast size from an A cup bra size to a D cup bra size. She was referred to Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Younai in Beverly Hills, by her friends who have had cosmetic surgery by him. She chose Dr. Younai because of all his before and after cosmetic surgery pictures on his website and his broad range of expertise with breast surgery, especially that he had much experience with tubular breast augmentation surgery. She underwent Breast implant placement surgery with 425cc round smooth high profile mentor implants. Her breast implants were placed under the muscle (submuscular implant placement) with a Peri-areola incision. Her recovery was fairly easy and she was able to return back to school with in a week. She also says the office was lovely, the staff was very helpful and Dr. Younai did an amazing job; she is in love with her results and could not have chosen anyone better than Dr. Younai for her breast augmentation procedure.
- Patient #: 6438
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Breast Augmentation