Body Lift Case #6061

This is a 35-year-old Caucasian man from Los Angeles, California. These are his before and after Body Lift surgery pictures taken a few weeks after his body contouring procedure. As a young adult he struggled with gaining weight and dieting didn’t seem to show any results he desired. He has previous had a bariatric procedure to reduce the size of his stomach, that allowed him to eat less and lose weight rapidly. Within a year he lost all his weight and was left loose skin on his abdomen, arms, and thighs. Although, losing weight made him thinner, he still was very unhappy with how he looked. His goal was to lose weight and fit into his clothing better. After losing 100lbs with barbaric surgery he was ready to complete his weight loss journey with a circumferential body lift. A body lift procedure improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. Excess sagging fat and skin are removed to treat conditions caused in part by poor tissue elasticity. In addition, the body lift surgery can improve a dimpled, irregular skin surface such as cellulite. His surgeon, board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Younai preformed a Body Lift in combination with Liposuction of Flanks. During his surgery, Dr. Younai extends a circumferential incision around the lower waist, similar to a belt. All the lose skin fold are excised around the midsection and removed. Then the skin closure is tailored to enhance the patients figure. This patient’s body lift recovery was approximately 3-4 weeks, and the incision was mostly healed by 6 weeks. As you can see, after his procedure he has the most dramatic transformation. His abdomen is smooth and tight and there is no sign of any skin folds. His thighs and buttocks are also lifted and firm through the body lift incision. He says Dr. Younai did a wonderful job and He recommends Dr. Younai and Regency Surgery Center to anyone looking to have body lift after bariatric surgery.
- Patient #: 6061
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Body Lift