Body Lift Case #6051

Before and after body lift surgery pictures of 38 years old Caucasian woman from West Los Angeles are shown here. After several pregnancies and weight loss she developed hanging abdominal skin folds with stretch marks and weakness of the abdominal wall and bulging. She also developed sagging of her buttocks which bothered her much. Patient underwent a Body LiftSurgery in Los Angeles which includes liposuction, tightening of the abdominal wall, and pulling up of the hips and upper thighs. This body contouring surgery was performed by Dr. Sean Younai who is a Board Certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon in Beverly Hills, and performs his surgeries at Regency Surgery Center in Encino.Patient’s recovery after her body lift surgery took about three weeks. According to her the hardest part of her plastic surgery recovery was the first three days when her abdomen and thighs felt very tight. She says that wearing a support girdle during the first six weeks made her feel secure and more comfortable.
- Patient #: 6051
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 36 - 40
- Procedure: Body Lift