Thread Lift

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Thread Lift Dr. Sean Younai  Los Angeles

The thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of a patient’s face and neck. Thread lifts insert small threads into a patient’s facial tissue to tighten sagging skin and stimulate collagen growth.

Dr. Sean Younai is incredibly passionate about his work as a plastic surgeon and seeks to help all patients achieve the results they want. His work has given him a reputation for success in the Los Angeles area, and you can benefit from his exceptional skill and personalized patient care when you receive your thread lift.

Take a moment to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Younai now to begin planning your rejuvenation. If you have any other questions about the procedure or the California Center for Plastic Surgery practice, please do not hesitate to call our Beverly Hills or West Hollywood office at (310) 275-1971.

About Thread Lifts

Our skin naturally sags, droops, and forms wrinkles as it loses its elasticity with age. This is primarily caused by a decrease in collagen production. Collagen is the main protein responsible for skin health. It forms the deep network of fibers that give our skin its natural elasticity and tightness, helps it heal and produce new cells, and is ultimately responsible for a natural, youthful appearance. (1) However, the natural production of collagen decreases with each passing year. This can be made worse by factors like stress, diet, pollution, ultraviolet light exposure, smoking, and more, leaving us with unsightly, aged skin and wrinkles.

Seeing skin lose its natural, healthy tightness can weigh heavily on one’s mind as it represents a loss of youth. Additionally, healthy and young skin is considered a major component of beauty. Everyone wants to feel like their best, most attractive self; many patients will seek rejuvenating procedures to achieve this.

Thread lifting is an affordable and easy alternative to the more invasive facelift procedures. Unlike facelifts, thread lifts do not remove any tissue from the patient. Instead, thread lifts insert small synthetic threads into the face or neck of a patient. These have small barbs on them that help to secure the skin. By attaching the tissue to these barbs, we can provide more structure, and reduce sagging. This also stimulates the production of new collagen fibers. (2)

Benefits of Thread Lifts

Thread lifts are easy, effective procedures that offer great results. Dr. Younai’s patients regularly experience:

  • Rejuvenated, younger appearances: Reversing the effects of aging by tightening your skin will help you achieve a new, beautiful, youthful look.
  • Increased collagen production: Thread lifts promote new collagen production for healthier, younger looking skin.
  • Easy, customizable procedures: Dr. Younai and his team will plan your thread lift to give you natural-looking results with an easy procedure.
  • Minimal downtime: Because no tissue is removed during the procedure, your recovery will be quick and free from complications, meaning you will see your results much faster.
  • Increased confidence: Tightening your skin and creating a new, youthful appearance can help you feel like your best, most attractive self, and you will not feel embarrassment from your wrinkles any longer.


Candidacy for a thread lift procedure depends on the severity of a patient’s wrinkles and sagging skin. While thread lifts can achieve great results, some patients may require a facelift to achieve the results they desire. Patients who respond best to the procedure and are most satisfied with their results are those who do not smoke, have visible skin laxity, are articulate about the corrections they want to make, and have realistic expectations about their results.

Personal Consultation

When you meet with Dr. Younai for your consultation, he will evaluate the health and elasticity of your skin. You will also discuss the history of your changing facial skin. He will also review your medical history. Patients with active infections, who take blood-thinning medications, or who have any other conditions that could negatively affect healing may have to forego or delay their treatment. (3) Once we collect all the necessary information, you will receive your preparation instructions and schedule your procedure.


Each patient’s preparation instructions will be specific to their procedure, but we recommend that all patients alter their medication regimens as instructed by Dr. Younai and avoid nicotine and smoking. Additionally, it is important to arrange transportation to and from your procedure.


We may use threads of different lengths and different materials to achieve a patient’s desired results. (2) Some threads are ideal for tissue manipulation because of their tensile strength and elasticity. Dr. Younai will make a small incision into the targeted area and slowly insert the thread. He will attach the tissue to the thread, and then pull it tight. This thread will want to return to a lax state as it is stretched and tightened. This will cause wrinkles and facial sagging to reduce as the thread pulls on the skin. (2)


Because thread lifts do not remove skin the way facelifts do, you will have a less complicated recovery with minimal downtime. Swelling and bruising are likely, but these will fade in a few days and can be easily treated with over-the-counter medications and cold compresses. Antibiotics and painkillers are very rarely needed for thread lift recoveries. However, we do recommend that you take a few days off of work to rest.


Once you have healed from your procedure, you will immediately be able to see your results. You will have a tighter face that is lifted and free of wrinkles. These results typically last about two years, but some patients will see improvements in their appearance for longer as their skin regains its strength and forms new collagen. Thread lifts also have some of the highest rates of patient satisfaction because of the results they provide from such an easy procedure.

Maximizing Your New Appearance

Dr. Younai is proud to offer patients a wide array of facial rejuvenation procedures.


If the sagging skin on your face is more significant or if you would like more permanent results, then you may want to explore a facelift (rhytidectomy). A facelift is a surgical procedure that focuses on rejuvenating the face to achieve a more youthful appearance. It primarily addresses sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume due to aging or other factors. A facelift can help restore contours and enhance one’s natural beauty by improving the overall aesthetic outcomes of the face.

Brow Lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure designed to elevate the brow and rejuvenate the forehead area. This procedure specifically targets sagging brows—an issue that can create an angry, tired, or sad appearance. Aging, sun exposure, and genetics are common factors that contribute to brow ptosis, where the skin above the eyes sags downward due to loss of elasticity and supportive tissue.

Facial Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting is a surgical procedure that enhances the volume and contour of the face. This regenerative technique involves harvesting fat from one area of the body, typically through liposuction, and transferring it to areas of the face that require additional volume.

Cost of a Thread Lift in West Hollywood

Thread Lift Dr. Sean Younai  Los Angeles

The total cost of your thread lift procedure will depend on your individual treatment plan and what you want to achieve with Dr. Younai. When you plan your procedure with Dr. Younai, you will receive a price quote. We also offer financing plans so you can pay for your procedure while benefiting from your new appearance. If you have any questions about payments, pricing, our practice, or anything else, please call our Beverly Hills or West Hollywood office at (310) 275-1971.


What makes a thread lift different from a facelift?

A thread lift uses small threads to add structure to the skin on the face and remove wrinkles by tightening the skin. Facelifts surgically remove excess tissue to remove wrinkles.

Are the results from a thread lift permanent?

Thread lifts can have long-lasting results, but the longevity of your results depends on the materials used in your procedure.

How do I recover from a thread lift?

You recover from a thread lift by keeping your face clean, and resting. Because no tissue is removed, recovery is much less extensive than that of a facelift and other surgical facial rejuvenation procedures.

Can I receive other procedures along with a thread lift?

You can easily receive dermal fillers and fat transfers to enhance the effects of your thread lift. Other more invasive procedures can also be performed, but special planning and precautions will have to be taken.

Are thread lifts painful?

You may feel some discomfort after your procedure, but we eliminate any pain during your procedure with local anesthesia.

Can I be placed under general anesthesia for a thread lift?

No, patients only receive local anesthetic for their thread lift because it is less invasive than other facial rejuvenation procedures. You can request general anesthesia, but it may increase the price of your procedure.


  1. Varani J, Dame MK, Rittie L, et al. Decreased Collagen Production in Chronologically Aged Skin. The American Journal of Pathology. 2006;168(6):1861-1868. doi:
  2. Hong GW, Kim SB, Soo Yeon Park, Wan J, Yi KH. Thread Lifting Materials: A Review of Its Difference in Terms of Technical and Mechanical Perspective. Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology. 2024;Volume 17:999-1006. doi:
  3. Zhukova O, Dydykin S, Kubíková E, Markova N, Vasil’ev Y, Kapitonova M. A New Complex Minimally Invasive Thread Lift Method for One-Time Three-Step Fixation of the Face and Neck Soft Tissues. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2022;49(3):296-303. doi: